Monthly Archives: March 2007

GEDForFree Announced Free Online Program For Incoming College Students

GEDForFree announced the availability of free GED online college preparation program for all incoming college students. They are providing free online classes which are composed of over 200 pages of digital content. The offering of GEDForFRee is a self-paced online … Continue reading

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Free E-learning Courses On Journalism Ethics

The News University, a project by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies and funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, announced the opening of their registration for the free of charge online course on Introduction to Ethical … Continue reading

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PBS TeacherLine Introduced Online Facilitator Training

PBS TeacherLine, an online institution offering professional development services to educators introduced a new course that aims to train educators to work in virtual learning environments. The new course is called Online Facilitator Training I: Mastering the Skills of Online … Continue reading

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Carnegie Mellon Has Free Online Courses

The Carnegie Mellon University has an Open Learning Initiative that provides free online education for all.. The courses they offered here are just meant to help those people who would like to learn the college level learning for free and … Continue reading

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Report Revealed The Steady Increase Of Students Who Prefer Online Studying

I just read here that the report Blending In: The Extent and Promise of Blended Education in the United States  conducted by, Sloan Consortium, Babson College and Eduventures revealed that for the past several years, the statistics of students who … Continue reading

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Ivy Tech Integrated Offline Management of Online Courses

With the significantly growing numbers of students from Ivy Tech Community College who are enrolling at their online education programs, the college has been working with a new system that will allow their faculty to organize the online learning management … Continue reading

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Students Taking Online Courses From SREB States Increased

SREB or Southern Regional Education Board is a nonprofit organization based in Georgia that advises state education leaders on ways to improve education and it has 16 member states that includes Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, … Continue reading

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Top Online Universities With Highest Retention Rate

Knowing the retention rate of a university is probably one of the most important aspects when we are choosing an online school. Retention rate is frequently proportional to the actual satisfaction of the students who enrolled in a particular university. … Continue reading

Posted in Accredited Online Universities, Online Universities, Online University News, U.S. Online Universities | Leave a comment

Top Online Universities Based On Acceptance Rate

Since I have posted about the top 20 online colleges, and we found out that these rankings are based on several criteria and metrics, my attention was caught by some of the metrics which I think deserves to be discussed … Continue reading

Posted in Accredited Online Universities, Online Universities, Online University News, U.S. Online Universities | Leave a comment

Top 20 Online Colleges By Online Education Database

The Online Education Database just released their Online College Ranking for the year 2007. The said ranking was based on several criteria such as the college or university’s accreditation, the institution’s listing in College Opportunities Online Locator (COOL), the university … Continue reading

Posted in Accredited Online Universities, Online Universities, Online University News, U.S. Online Universities | 1 Comment